Sunday, May 19, 2019

News Flash: Republican Congressman Knows How To Read

By Sniffles

We cats guess we should say something about Justin Amash. He's raised enough hackles in the Party of Vlad (previously known as the GOP), and even earned himself a tirade from Benedict Donald, simply by pointing out the obvious: He's read the Mueller Report, and he thinks Trump should be impeached.

Amash also raises the question: Have his Republican colleagues read the report? His answer: Don't bet on it. He also slammed Bill Barr for acting like a lapdog instead of an Attorney General. Pretty sweet.

We aren't completely surprised that of all the so-called consciences of the GOP — Susan Collins, Lamar Alexander, Larry Hogan, John Kasich, blah blah blah — it's this wildly right-wing dude from Michigan who shatters the "no collusion" illusion. As a rock-ribbed libertarian, Amash has been more consistent in his positions than your typical Republican hypocrite. Pretty sad commentary on his cowering colleagues, we'd say.

When we first heard the news, we wondered: Would L'Affaire Amash be a James McCord moment? You know, when McCord blew the cover off the Watergate cover-up in March 1973? Or, reaching back farther, would this possibly be like Bishop Blunt, who jump-started the 1936 abdication crisis by criticizing Edward VIII's churchgoing habits?

We kinda doubt it, but you never know. After all, the Mueller Report is #4 on The New York Times bestseller list — somebody must be reading it! We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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