Wednesday, May 8, 2019

How To Save America: Vote Democratic (Wherever You Are)

By Hubie and Bertie

When we cats moved from Virginia to New York, we were very happy at the prospect of spending our nine lives in a deep-blue state. (Virginia still qualifies as purple, but it's getting there.) Still, we had a little twinge of guilt that we'd no longer be voting in a battleground state.

Well, New York has turned out to totally matter when it comes to Donald Trump.

In November, we helped elect a state attorney general who gets up every morning with one purpose: Bring Trump to justice. Letitia James has shuttered the Trump Foundation, is chasing Trump's banking records (and we bet she'll get them), and is investigating the NRA. Tish James is one fabulous badass, and every day we feel good about voting for her.

Also in November, New Yorkers flipped the State Senate from Republican to Democratic control. Since then, Albany has gotten a ton of great stuff done. Today, the State Senate passed a bill, 39-22, to allow Congress access to the tax returns of erstwhile Big Apple resident Trump. Governor Cuomo intends to sign it.

Some day, somehow, the truth about Trump will out — and we'll be able to thank the millions of Americans who voted for Democrats last year. Way to go, people! Keep up the good work, in New York, Virginia and across the country. We cats PURR.

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