Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Star Of The Hearings

By Hubie and Bertie

Just about the only reassuring thing about the Trump sh*tshow is how it's allowed certain Democrats to shine: Pete Buttigieg, who speaks so eloquently and understandably about complex issues. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for showing people how it's done on social media and on the House Oversight Committee. And Kamala Harris, who gave William Barr his worst moments in a generally terrible (for him) day of Senate Judiciary Committee testimony.

The Republicans on the committee, as usual, proved themselves to be Trumpy quislings who are willing to discard the rule of law for their own perpetuation in power and a slew of judgeships.

One tweep has, we think, summarized the state of the Republicans the best. So in the wake of Lindsey Graham's and other Republicans' performances today, we'll let Kurt Eichenwald take it from here:

"The thought processes of the GOP [matches] that of 1980s Soviet officials — science denialism, party loyalty over reason and fact, the need to crush dissenters, ideology supplanting logic.

"Like the Soviets, these people are beyond reach. We do not understand how they readily throw aside science, reason and facts, and we try endlessly to use those to get them to reality. We point out their hypocrisy. But none of it matters. Party loyalty is all.

"There is no way to reach these people, other than becoming a Trump Republican. Just like the Soviets before them, they cannot and will not think independently. If they are told up is down — over and over and over — as a matter of party ideology, they will repeat it and nothing will ever convince them otherwise.

"And remember — if anyone in any way diverts from the orthodoxy of the GOP/Soviets — they are destroyed. 'Enemy of the people' was used extensively by the Soviets to attack dissent. And those who disagree were demonized even in death. Case in point with GOP: John McCain."

Whew. With a chilling thread like that, we cats are glad that badass questioners like Kamala Harris are around to bitch-slap these guys. She makes us PURR.

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