Thursday, August 19, 2021

75? Really?

"During the 10 years between the end of the Cold War and the [9/11] terror attacks, the United States enjoyed a level of power, wealth and safety that — except for Britain in the years before World War I — has no parallel in history...Heady confidence and flabby comfort characterized a decade of rising stock prices and accelerating microprocessors. The information economy seemed to have repealed the business cycle. The US could go to war with cruise missiles and without suffering casualties. Americans didn't have to worry that we might wake up one morning to rubble and corpses in our streets. The unipolar decade licensed us to waste an entire year on Oval Office sex. In the 2000 election, a lot of people voted, or failed to vote, as if it didn't really matter who was President."

—George Packer, The Atlantic

Our two cents: It always matters who's President. Happy birthday to 42! We cats PURR.

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