Tuesday, August 10, 2021

It Was Time For Him To Go

By Baxter

We cats are grateful for Andrew Cuomo's leadership during the COVID pandemic, from last March until now. His coronavirus briefings were must-sees, and we always felt better afterward. We don't feel quite the same way about his conduct behind the scenes, however. 

So it's a good thing that Andrew has accepted the inevitable, and instead of maligning his supremely capable state Attorney General or digging in his heels or insisting it was all just because he's Italian, he's resigning. Now New York can have its first-ever woman Governor (yay!) and Democrats can move into 2022 without being agonizingly frozen in place. And of course all those highway signs have to be changed.

You can bet that Republicans were rooting for Andrew to hang on forever so they could reap the benefits. So this is not news that they welcome. Also, maybe the GOP can start holding some of their own badly behaving boys to account? What a concept!

One other thing before we bid our guv goodbye and get on with our lives: Even with everything we know about him, we'd still rather have Andrew Cuomo as our Governor than Ron DeSantis. At least Andrew cares whether his constituents live or die. We cats HISS.

1 comment:

The Cranky Copywriter said...

Excellent balance between saying something positive about Cuomo and vilifying him completely like everyone else.