Thursday, February 1, 2024

How Much Do They Need? A Lot.

By Zamboni

Google "RNC is broke," and lots of sad-sack Republican money stories pop up on your screen. And they're not new — they date from early last year, all with the same theme: Folks aren't giving. You'll also see links to sidebar stories about how unconcerned Ronna Romney is about all this.

Well, if Ronna's still sanguine, we have no idea why. According to their latest FEC report, filed yesterday, the Republican National Committee is in about the same dire straits that the Bailey Building & Loan was after the bank run. And no Donna Reed to bail them out, either.

The committee's total cash on hand is a measley $8,009,756. That's less than half than the RNC had back in 2011, when they were gearing up to face the last incumbent Democrat, President Barack Obama.

Democratic rapid response director Alex Floyd sums it up: "In real dollars, the RNC had its worst fundraising year since 1993. It also had its worst month for contributions in a decade. And to cap it off, they had a December burn rate of 137 percent, and spent more money over the past year than they’ve taken in."

(Republicans in battleground states have nothing to brag about, either. State parties in North Carolina, Arizona, Michigan and Nevada all are scraping the bottom of their financial barrels while they descend into bitter infighting, MAGA versus Never Trumpers — and, in some cases, MAGA on MAGA. You love to see it.)

There are so many reasons this is happening to our Republican friends. But one of them has to be that Benedict Donald forced Ronna Romney to clean house of all the non-Trumpy professionals and install clueless loyalists in their place. Surely that included anyone competent in the Fundraising Department. What a shame. We cats PURR.

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