Friday, February 23, 2024

The GOP War On Love And Joy

By Miss Kubelik

We cats are running out of ways to say "Another bad day for the Republicans." But goodness gracious, what a pickle they're in after that wacky decision in Alabama on in vitro fertilization.

Frankly, we can't imagine that GOP assaults on reproductive choices like IVF and access to Mifepristone, the so-called abortion drug, are going to end up being successful— because too many people are making too much money off of both. And you know that everything comes down to the almighty dollar, right? So while the Alabama Supreme Court's ruling on IVF was awful on its face, it was easy to predict what would happen next: that the Republican Party would run as fast and as far from it as they could — like kids who have kicked over a hornet's nest.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee has raced out a statement to its candidates, urging them to oppose the Alabama decision. Nikki Haley, having first said that she thinks fertilized embryos are children, is now furiously backpedaling. They've all suddenly seen the numbers — polls that indicate the zillions of voters who have had kids via IVF, and that say upward of 80 percent support it as a family-planning option. What a bunch of sorry-ass amateurs they are. (Or maybe just woman haters, who knows?)

And then of course you have right-wing maniac Christopher Rufo coming out with a full-throated statement against recreational sex. Do we think that's why President Biden has said in a recent interview that the key to a good marriage is having fun in bed? There are no coincidences where Dark Brandon is concerned. We cats love the bind that Republicans have put themselves in, and we PURR.

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