Thursday, February 29, 2024

No One Is Riding To The Rescue (And Maybe That's A Good Thing)

By Hubie and Bertie

Once again, it looks like the Supreme Court will be driving furious people to the polls. That is, if the outrage that we're seeing today on social media translates (as it surely will) into votes. 

As for us, we're never thrilled with SCOTUS these days, but we're not wringing our paws, either. When it comes to Benedict Donald's criminal trials, we agree with Lawrence O'Donnell — the one MSNBC talking head we can actually stand, so if we happen to surf by and see him, we'll stop and listen. Lawrence says he doesn't care when the trials take place, because Trump and his party are going to lose in November anyway. 

Yup. The GOP is splintered and broke, financially held hostage by an equally cash-strapped nominee-to-be. The House Republican caucus is an embarrassing mess. And Donald is disintegrating mentally by the day. All of this is happening in the midst of GOP primaries that have been rigged as winner-take-all, so there's no way delegates can dump Trump in July without a bloodbath. Meanwhile, the Democratic turnout machine is purring along, the economy is healthy, and so is Joe Biden.

Do we have work to do between now and November 5? Absolutely. But if we do it, we should be able to have the election we want. We are the cavalry — so let's saddle up! We cats PURR.

(IMAGE: Deviant Art. You have no idea how many images of cats riding horses are on the interwebs!)

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