Monday, September 6, 2010

Cat Fight! Delaware GOP vs. Christine O'Donnell

By Zamboni

Folks have begun fixating on Christine O'Donnell, potentially the next teabagger whackjob to endanger an establishment Republican.

This time, the threat is not in the vast expanse of Alaska but the tiny state of Delaware. This nutty O'Donnell woman is running against long-serving U.S. Representative Mike Castle in the GOP primary for Vice President Biden's former Senate seat.

We cats find it interesting that Delaware Republicans are hurling every insult against O'Donnell that they can think of — especially that one about how she "couldn't get elected dog catcher." (Not only is it a shopworn cliche, but as we have very little use for dogs, the slur seems doubly offensive.) Anyway, their frantic behavior begs a few questions in our minds.

What do the GOP's "celebrity endorsers" (Huckabee, DeMint, the famous quitter from Alaska) do about this one?

If Republicans are attacking O'Donnell — but not any of the other teabagger mental cases who are roiling the Grand Old Party — does this mean that they support the positions of people like Joe Miller, who wants to end unemployment insurance, Social Security and Medicare?

Will the media ask that question? (Ha.)

Finally, we've seen it averred that First State Republicans are relying on the fact that the deadline for their primary's voter registration has passed. They hope that'll keep the teabaggers home on September 14.

Um, we cats hate to burst your bubble, folks, but you may recall that Castle's town hall meetings last summer were some of the most nasty. Sore loser teabag maniacs ranted and raved about President Obama's birth certificate, screamed about "wanting their country back," and basically derailed the events. We suspect that plenty of those folks — furious at Castle's lack of responsiveness — registered to vote against him then.

Ahhh, GOP infighting. We cats PURR.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cats offering refreshing insights, enjoying your posts.

Great photo--