Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Note to GOP: Butt Out

By Zamboni

We cats continue to be alternately fascinated and horrified by the hypocrisies of the Republican right.

They claim they believe in small government and personal liberties. But they want to put people in jail for being gay. They want to force women to have children. Heck, they even want to stop people from having sex. Good luck with that, folks.

In short, in their book, the government should keep its hands off guns and rampaging corporations, but it's perfectly okay for it to interfere in Americans' most intimate behaviors and decisions. We cats fail to see the logic. And now that so many nutcases have snagged Republican nominations for elected office, we wish the media would highlight this hypocrisy more.

America could benefit from the wise words of a Canadian we lost 10 years ago today:

"There is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation."

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