Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Grand Old Poverty

By Sniffles

Somebody in the mainstream media needs to start asking how much money the 2010 elections are costing the GOP.

Operating on shoestrings, teabagger candidates in Republican primaries spent mere pennies on Senate races in Delaware, Colorado, Kentucky, Nevada and Alaska, and a similar pittance on Governors' races in Colorado and South Carolina. But in all of those states, they knocked off better-funded candidates who had the most expensive Republican political consultants money could buy.

Republican candidates who are wealthy themselves — like Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina in California — have spent gazillions of dollars but have so far failed to run away with the lead in their respective races. (Somehow, when you fritter away more than $100 million, you kinda expect something better than a tie.) And in Connecticut, wrestling queen Linda McMahon is willing to be $50 million poorer but she still trails Dick Blumenthal.

And the Republicans are always so worried about the national debt! Check your own coffers, guys. We cats HISS at you.

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