Thursday, September 9, 2010

When Words Become Explosive AND Expensive

By Sniffles

In the looming shadow of the idiotic Koran-burning thing, a jury in Virginia has quietly returned a huge verdict against a Nazi jerk named (wouldn't you know it) Bill White.

Herr White now owes $545,000 to a group of five black women — tenants of his in Virginia Beach — who filed a discrimination lawsuit against him. The suit made him so mad that he fired off a bunch of, um, not very nice — in fact, racist, threatening and intimidating — letters.

Which is true to form because uberfuhrer White is in prison right now for — you guessed it — making threats.

We cats are pleased with the verdict, but have a nagging feeling that we just can't shake. That's because while the world pays tons of attention to a Palinesque limelight-lover in Gainesville, Florida, schweinhunds like Bill White continue to lurk, for the most part, under the radar.

President Obama could propose a national conversation about this issue. It could be illuminating and, potentially, healing. But we're sure the Republicans would just say "no."

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