Tuesday, October 19, 2010

And Women Are Supposed to VOTE for These Guys?

By Baxter

Everyone is missing the point about Jack Conway's new Rand Paul attack ad.

It's not about religion. It's about what Rand Paul did to a woman.

We cats don't know too many female friends who would find it amusing to be bound and forced to do things by a bunch of rowdy guys. As Mr. Conway asked in his recent debate with Paul, "When is it ever a good idea to tie up a woman and ask her to kneel before a false idol?"

After he initially tried to deny it, Paul now is implying that the episode was just a harmless prank from his long-ago college days. He doesn't get it, either. Too many well-meaning "pranks" — whether it's frat hazing that gets out of hand or Webcamming your roommate having sex with another man — end in tragedy.

We cats can guarantee you that no woman pictures herself in the "Aqua Buddha" situation with unbridled delight. No female thinks that it's an innocuous event and wishes she could have been there.

This is just the latest example of the disturbing thread of violence that lurks beneath the Republican veneer. Their rhetoric and their past actions are scary indeed. They invoke the need for "Second Amendment remedies." They dress up as Nazis. They threaten to "take out" reporters — even handcuff them. They tie women up for fun.

But what we're upset about is that Jack Conway had the guts to put it in an ad?

Well, we cats SNARL at that idea. It's not Jack Conway but the GOP that needs to learn a new meaning of the word "restraint."

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