Tuesday, October 19, 2010

See, There Was This Dude Named Thomas Jefferson...

By Sniffles

The word "dummies" translates into French as "les nuls." Today, Christine O'Donnell has proved herself a nul in any language.

"Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?" she demanded in a radio debate with her Democratic Senate opponent, Chris Coons.

The audience laughed, and Mr. Coons somehow managed to answer in even tones that it was, um, in the First Amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Oh — that First Amendment.

Okay, so we always knew that Christine O'Donnell was an idiot. But now that she's managed to reach her personal tipping point on the Moron Meter, we think that her fellow teabagger candidates — heck, all Republican candidates, plus Michael Steele, Karl Rove and every Republican talking head on cable T.V. — should be asked the following questions.
  • Do you know where separation of church and state appears in the U.S. Constitution?
  • Can you quote the passage by heart?
  • Do you think the Republican Party should nominate for federal office people who aren't familiar with the U.S. Constitution?
  • If not, if you were a voter in Delaware, could you vote for Christine O'Donnell?
  • Have you given money to Christine O'Donnell? Have you endorsed her?
  • Do you believe in separation of church and state?
  • If not, what do you believe in? Should Washington favor one religion over another? Or tell us what religion to practice? If so, which religion would that be?
  • Are there other parts of the Bill of Rights that you don't agree with? If so, why?
Maybe we cats are getting a bit carried away. But we can dream, can't we? And one thing we do know for sure: The Constitution makes no law against being a fool. Which must come as a relief to Christine O'Donnell.

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