Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Memo to Joe: It's Not Just Newt

By Miss Kubelik

The GOP is so extreme these days that the only way to describe what's going on in the party is to use — well, extremes.

Joe Scarborough — who in 1994 came to Capitol Hill as what we then defined as a conservative Republican — has employed some vivid language to describe the antics of one man: Newt Gingrich.

Scarborough targets his former Speaker, we cats suspect, not just because Newtie's been so nutty but also because Joe must be beyond disillusioned with his erstwhile boss's behavior. Here's a list of the adjectives that, in just one column, Mornin' Joe attaches to Gingrich:

"Cartoonish," "shrill," "cheap," "bizarre," "overblown," "outrageous," "oblivious," "childish," "crazy," "dangerous," and "intemperate." (On that last one: Gee, Joe, ya think?) He also accuses Gingrich of "get[ting] rich off political hate speech."

What Joe doesn't say, and what's truly alarming, is that Gingrich is far from the only Republican living up to these terms. When it comes to GOP candidates like Angle, Paladino, Miller, Toomey, Whitman, Fiorina, McMahon, O'Donnell, and the rest of the 2010 nuts — well , we're truly running out of words.

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