Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tales From The Crypt

By Sniffles

Ahhhh, at last. We cats have been longing to use this wildly unflattering photograph of Lisa Murkowski for simply ages. Now, thanks to a couple of recent developments in the Alaska Senate race, we can.

Alaskans Standing Together, an organization founded by the state's Native regional corporations, just pumped $600,000 into Senator Murkowski's write-in campaign. Seems that members of the First Nations — conservative or not — have a few concerns about teabagger Joe Miller's, um, feelings about them. Gee, ya think? While we cats intend to shoot a few dollars in Democrat Scott McAdams' direction today, this generous PAC donation to Murkowski should keep things interesting. (By further fracturing the Alaska GOP, of course.)

Also, Murkowski has finally decided that the time has come to run those ads that Ted Stevens recorded days before he died. She declined to use them in the primary because she allegedly didn't think it was tasteful. (Actually, she didn't appreciate the danger that her teabagger opponent posed at the time, but never mind.)

We cats think this is great — how appropriate for Halloween! But one caveat for the Senator: As proven by Minnesota — a seat that we've thankfully since recaptured — we'd just caution Ms. Murkowski not to rely on the coattails of a guy who died in a plane crash.

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