Monday, April 23, 2012

The Good Old Days of Watergate

By Zamboni

So: What does it say about you when the headline on your obit in The Washington Post uses the term "dirty tricks," and the first paragraph in your obit in The New York Times employs the word "saboteur"?

It says that you're a Republican with no respect for the Constitution and the rule of law, that's what.

Which is how, back in the day, we cats viewed horrible, despicable, Woodward-Bernstein-and-Redford-outed Nixonian aberrations like Charles Colson. The 37th President brought a boatload of people like Colson to power, and thanks to democracy and a free press, he was made to pay for that, right? That was then, and this is now — right?

Unfortunately, no. At least, not any more.

We're sorry to say that today's Republican Party makes Charles Colson and his Nixon Administration colleagues look like statesmen.

We cats never thought we'd long for the Republican Party of 1974. But we guess we are. How sad is that?

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