Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Memo to Ann Romney, Part Two

By Zamboni

So it looks like Ann Romney is just as phony as her husband Willard is.

Willard's alleged ambassador to 51-plus percent of Americans has been caught privately gloating to a big-money crowd in Florida that she'd had the opportunity to fake some outrage at Hilary Rosen. Why are we cats not surprised?

Therefore, we think it's appropriate that we continue our list of questions to the wife who, Willard claims, helps him understand the needs, interests and opinions of female voters. But we're not holding our breath for the answers.
  • How many cars do you own?
  • How many homes do you own?
  • How many horses do you own?
  • In addition to Seamus, how many companion animals have you owned?
  • If you have MS and are a breast cancer survivor, how is your healthcare coverage paid for?
  • If you had to rely on your own Social Security benefits in retirement, how much of a Social Security benefit are you personally entitled to? (Not counting your husband's earnings?)
  • Have you ever used birth control? Do your sons and daughters-in-law use birth control?
  • How many guns does Willard have at home? (In all your homes?) How are they secured when your grandchildren come to visit?
  • Have you ever personally faced gender discrimination in the workplace?
  • Have you ever personally faced sexual harassment in the workplace?
  • What is your opinion of laws designed to protect women from discrimination and harassment in the workplace? Do you support the existing framework of laws? If yes, are there other laws you'd like to see? If no, what specific laws would you abolish?
  • Do you support marriage equality? Why or why not?
  • Do you support the rights of gay couples to adopt? Why or why not?
  • Do you know any gay couples? If yes, should they have the same rights that you and Willard enjoy?
(IMAGE: A nice twist on yesterday's photo, thanks to KayInMaine of White Noise Insanity.)

1 comment:

The Cranky Copywriter said...

You constantly frustate me by not having your blog seen by every American. Your questions to Lady Romney are brilliant and I would give anything to see how she would answer them, assuming she could, which I doubt.