Sunday, April 29, 2012

Helping a Fellow American Who's Down on His Luck

By Zamboni

We cats had (let's think about these things positively) the opportunity yesterday to visit a Chrysler dealer's service department in Plattsburgh, New York. Everyone there was very cheerful and pleasant. Small wonder, since their employer had just announced a record 2012 profit of $1.5 billion.

This would be the same Chrysler, of course, whose butt was saved by the U.S. and Canadian governments back in 2009. We seem to recall that the Republicans were against helping the auto industry. (Had they prevailed, there would have been no Chrysler for Fiat to buy, and the union retiree fund that partnered with Fiat to complete the sale today would be flat freaking broke.)

In short, if people like Willard Mitt Romney were in charge, we would have been stranded in upstate New York this weekend, because those nice people in Plattsburgh would have been out of their jobs. But better that, in the GOP's view, than turn the country over to Barack Obama's radical, Kenyan, un-American socialism.

Record profits? Booming sales? More jobs? Saved jobs? The shame and horror are indescribable.

(PHOTO: We don't know who this PT Cruiser Woody belongs to, even though it looks like ours. But we like its license plate.)

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