Friday, April 6, 2012

"A War On Women? We're Not Waging a War On Women!"

By Miss Kubelik

Isn't it interesting how some goof-up or mishap never fails to follow a Romney primary win? It's positively eerie! But this latest one — the Republican Party's caterpillar kerfuffle — proves just how deeply the GOP has its head in the sand.

It's all over the Internet, of course, but we cats particularly loved this quote from the president of EMILY's List. (It almost — almost — makes up for the screwing-over her organization gave Janet Reno in 2002.)

"Women are not sluts. Or caterpillars. Our concerns are not fictional and your attempts to restrict our rights are not fantasy. We are your mothers, wives, sisters, friends and well over one half of the voting population. And we will be heard this November when we replace these unbearably out-of-touch Republicans with Democratic women who actually believe that we're people."

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