Thursday, April 19, 2012

It's The Real (Un-Nationalized) Thing

By Baxter

We cats generally don't care to comment on silliness. And we prefer to think that the intemperate, occasionally violent, but always, always stupid ravings from the teabagger crowd fall into that category.

But we can't resist the babbling of one Allen West. Even though, yes, the guy is obviously unhinged (something we've witnessed before).

This time, the wild, wild West has publicly declared that 80 of his colleagues in Congress are members of the Communist Party. This is true, he says, because the same 80 colleagues belong to the Congressional Progressive Caucus.

"There is a very thin line between communism, progressivism, Marxism, socialism," West avers. "It’s about nationalizing production."

We cats say, whoa, right there. West did prattle on a bit about the welfare state and other right-wing bugaboos, but we thought it was significant that the first thing he mentioned was "nationalizing production."

In short, here's the deal: Allen West and his teabagger friends think that Democrats, and by extension, the President of the United States, are socialists. They think Democrats do stuff like nationalizing production. So, if Democrats are socialists, and if they're going to nationalize the private sector, why wouldn't they start with one of the largest, richest, most patriotically American, anti-socialist, private enterprise entities in the universe? Why wouldn't they nationalize........ Koch Industries?

Oh — President Obama has not nationalized Koch Industries? Hm. We cats think the whole Republican meme of Barack Obama as socialist has just been exposed for the fraud that it is.

And as for that other teabagger nut of the day? We'd be very happy to see Ted Nugent in jail. Any time.

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