Monday, August 20, 2012

A New Primer On Ryan And Rand

By Zamboni

Okay, boys and girls: We cats have decided that this whole Todd Akin explosion has provided us with an important teachable moment. So, here goes.

1. Under the "personhood" amendment that Paul Ryan co-sponsors, the rape victims about whom Akin has spoken so compassionately (not) would have to bear their rapists' children.

2. Many of those children would then either die for lack of obstetric care — because Mitt Romney and the Republicans would defund Planned Parenthood and myriad accessible forms of female reproductive health services — or, postpartum, would starve to death for lack of food stamps, housing assistance and other human-service initiatives that Republicans call cruel government interference in the free market.

3. Ayn Rand, while rooting for the abortion, would approve of the poor, postpartum life of the rapist's child.

Any questions? And no, you can't ask the obvious one, as in, "Why do Republicans have their heads up their butts?"

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