Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Woe Is Willard: Veep Sweep Edition

By Sniffles

We cats put no credence in any pundit-world speculation on whom Willard Mitt Romney will choose as his hapless running mate (*yawn*).

It's all nonsense. After all, this is the same credulous press who dubbed the famous quitter from Alaska "a Senate kingmaker," when that same "Senate kingmaker" got her butt soundly kicked in yesterday's GOP Missouri Senate primary.

Still and all, we've seen some interesting stuff in the run-up to le grand avertissement. For example:

Have you noticed how dead the chatter about Kelly Ayotte has been of late? We cats think that Silly Willy's embarrassing overseas trip has knocked candidates with no foreign policy experience completely off the list. Similarly, Willard's nightmare jaunt may also be behind the thinly sourced yammering about General David Petraeus (who has since set the record straight).

And now that we mention it, have you noticed how all the girl talk has kind of simmered down? For instance, Susana Martinez of New Mexico has been given a speaking slot at the GOP convention. As with Condoleezza "I Am A War Criminal" Rice and Nikki Haley, receiving such an assignment is generally taken as an indication that Martinez is officially out of the veepstakes. But, wait! — Ann Romney said that women were being seriously considered! Will anyone in journalism think to ask her about that if the top finalists turn out to be all boys?

And what were we cats just saying? Oh, yes. It's all ridiculous.

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