Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Akin To Mitt: Diss One's For You

By Baxter

We cats were once again planning to write about those naked Republicans running through the streets of Israel, screaming and drunk.

Okay, they weren't running through the streets. They were swimming in the Sea of Galilee (presumably because, despite how highly they think of themselves, they cannot walk on that body of water).

But, Todd Akin once again interferes.

The firestorm continues unabated — partly because talking about "legitimate rape" is completely, utterly and unalterably unacceptable, and partly because the woman-hater from Missouri has told his fellow Republicans in no uncertain terms to take a hike.

Including his party's presumptive Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees. Paul Ryan was apparently the only Republican able to reach his Congressional colleague yesterday by phone. No dice. But Akin saved his most delicious public smackdown, which he delivered to Sean Hannity on radio, for Willard Mitt Romney:

“Don’t you think he may have built this thing up and made a bigger deal about it than he needed to?" he said. “Why couldn’t he run his race and I’ll run mine?”

Wow! So much for Romney and Ryan as the putative leaders of their party. That pesky man Akin is simply not falling into line. What have we cats been saying for, like, eons now? That the Romneybots aren't in control of their campaign? We're beginning to wonder if they have control of anything.

Tampa should be very interesting.

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