Friday, August 31, 2012

Woe Is Willard: Spaced-Out Cowboy Edition

By Miss Kubelik

We cats shouldn't have been surprised. Every time something in the campaign has gone right for Willard Mitt Romney, it's immediately been followed by something that's gone horribly wrong.

Sometimes, it's Willard himself who steps all over his good fortune by saying something stupid (e.g., "I'm not concerned about the very poor," which he babbled right after winning Florida). Other times, it's people outside his control, behaving badly, or beating him in Iowa. And of course, last night it was — well, you know. Goodness gracious, we're never going to see that car commercial again, are we?

The Twitterverse lit up immediately over Doddering Clint Eastwood and His Empty Chair, and the blogosphere followed suit, and nobody's talking about anything else. Instead of celebrating their candidate's big coming-out, the Romneybots were forced to spend today playing defense on Dirty Harry. Clint will doubtlessly dominate all the pundit-world Sunday shows, too.

There's a lot of finger pointing going on, but here's the thing. Last night was Clint Eastwood's fault, the convention planners' fault, the Romneybots' fault, and the fault of the stage-prop guy who agreed to hand Eastwood the chair when he asked for it. But most of all, it was Willard Mitt Romney's fault.

Why? Because despite running for President since probably the day that his father lost, Willard Mitt Romney is incapable of letting American voters know who he is. So he had to rely on a gimmick on his big night. And the gimmick failed.

Willard Mitt Romney, The Unknowable Man, has finally helped America understand him better. But we don't think he should be pleased.

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