Monday, October 15, 2012

On The Other Hand, Maybe It's "Watch What We Do AND Say"

By Baxter

We cats have had a busy weekend. On Saturday we registered voters, and then went to an Obama-Biden phone bank. (We have no thumbs, so humans dialed the numbers for us.) Then yesterday we scurried door to door, talking to supporters. We met a lot of dogs. We can't believe how many people in this world have dogs.

Anyway, we've only had time in the last couple of days for a few quick posts. But we couldn't help noticing that in the meantime, Republican hypocrisy continues to abound.

Example: While Republicans demanded complete obeisance after September 11, 2001 — remember Ari Fleischer's fearmongering? — they appear to think it's okay to hold an outrageous press conference while our consulate in Benghazi is still under attack, and then keep screaming about Libya afterward. But their guys ignored a whole slew of Presidential daily briefs and let terrorists kill 3,000 people on American soil as a result. We hope somebody mentions this Tuesday night.

Or take the right-wing American Family Association, which now is going after National Mix It Up Day. They see a sinister agenda in a gentle campaign that encourages school students to spend a day eating lunch with someone they — gasp! — don't know. We can only guess they prefer bullying and bigotry to tolerance and love. Note to journalists: Never refer to this organization as a Christian group again.

Finally, here's a classic. After wringing hands and gnashing teeth over the blind idiocy of their hapless Missouri Senate candidate — and swearing that they'd never support him (we cats believe the quote from John Cornyn was "We're done") — the GOP has changed its tune, and is backing the reprehensible Todd Akin in the home stretch. Incredible. Akin is an ignorant, intolerant, heartless, bigoted, woman-hating fool.... oh, wait. Maybe that's not an example of Republican hypocrisy after all.

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