Thursday, October 11, 2012

Role Model

By Zamboni

We cats are US citizens with real estate in Montreal and a subscription to Canada's History magazine. And something we saw in the most recent issue of that publication just cut us to the quick.

"The government of Canada seems to be functioning well," wrote a past president of the Historical Society of Alberta. "The same cannot be said for the great republic to the south."

Wow, we thought. This guy is totally right. And when he says, "How could anyone hold [the U.S.] up as an example" of effective government? — well, considering the brick wall that the Republicans presented to President Obama over the last three years, we find it hard to argue with that.

Often, one hears of partisans who swear they will move to another country if the party opposing their political views wins a certain election. We cats agree that that can be a tired catchphrase. But when it comes to Romney-Ryan and the Republicans, those aren't just empty words.

Romney-Ryan want to fundamentally change Medicare to a voucher system for people currently 55 and over. You know what? That's us. Or, at least, our owners. (And since they pay the cat-food and vet bills for us, we are concerned.)

But over and above our worries about healthcare, we cats are generally embarrassed that Canadians — let alone the former head of an Albertan group — think the U.S. is completely FUBAR'd. Especially after they had such high hopes for us when we elected Obama. (Unlike Republicans, we cats respect the opinions of other countries. We have to live in this world, after all.)

We are comforted by the fact that the Canada's History letter-writer referred to us as "the great republic." We hope that in four weeks' time, we live up to that reputation. Because you know what? We need to.

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