Thursday, October 4, 2012

Willard vs. Willard vs. Willard vs.....

By Baxter

Willard Mitt Romney was so mean to Jim Lehrer at last night's Presidential debate that for a minute we thought he was going to pin Lehrer down and cut his hair. (Or was it that he'd pin Big Bird down and pluck his feathers? Hard to tell.)

Romney obviously knew there was no way he was ever going to come off as likable, or even likable enough — so he decided to be obnoxious instead. We don't know how you felt about that, but to us cats, it was not a pretty sight. We can only conclude that the President was as amazed as we were (unless, of course, his senses were dulled by all the Xanax he'd apparently taken).

So, what are we to make of Willard now? We've seen so many versions of him at this point that we're wondering which one will be on the ballot this fall.

Will it be the Willard who his wife says is so warm, loving and sweet, or the Willard who last night found such a strange and inappropriate way to kick off Bullying Prevention Awareness Month?

Will it be the Willard who was pro-choice, anti-NRA and pro-individual mandate when he ran in Massachusetts — or the Willard who's gone back on all those things to appease his party's crazy right-wing base?

Will it be the Willard who enthusiastically supported the war in Vietnam (and who saber-rattles over Iran)? Or the Willard who spent the '60s as a Mormon missionary in France and who, along with his five sons, has never, ever served?

Will it be the Willard who contemptuously wrote off 47 percent of Americans as irresponsible, dependent "victims" last spring? Or the Willard who now claims he cares about the "100 percent"?

Will it be the Willard who will lie about anything, at any time, for any reason, rather than tell people the truth, acknowledge uncomfortable facts, and go beyond his script? Or the Willard who will lie about anything, at any time, for any reason, rather than tell people the truth, acknowledge uncomfortable facts, and go beyond his script? (Whoops.)

You know what? They are all Willard. All 10 — er, nine of them. And Americans have to figure out if they want those guys beaming into their living rooms for the next four years.

P.S. We don't know how Chris Christie feels about kinda being right the other day. Maybe not so hot, because we cats are pretty sure that he has 2016 in his sights. Perhaps he thinks he needs until 2020 to lose 100 pounds?

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