Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Bolling Cootchy Over

By Sniffles

Okay, so the old queens in the long dresses didn't elect a new Popemobile occupant today. Big deal. We cats couldn't care less what's happening in that gathering of withered dowagers in Rome — they are so tainted, so clueless, so yesterday's news.

On the other hand, things are popping in the gubernatorial race here in Virginia. That, we care about.

It seems that Republican Lt. Governor Bill Bolling, snubbed by his party, has finally decided that he won't run as an independent this year. Which leaves the field to the Democratic candidate, Terry McAuliffe, and the most right-wing right winger we know. That would be Ken "Cootchy Hootchy" Cuccinelli — who never met a fetus he didn't think had more rights than its already born and fully functioning human mother.

When we first heard the Bolling news, we cats thought, oh, darn. It would have been swell to see him run as a reasonable Republican and pull support from Cootchy. But then we learned that Bolling refused to endorse anybody, and we figured that, in the end, that was a-okay.

See, Bolling's unwillingness to toss his support to Cuccinelli sends a clear message to business-oriented Republicans that Cootchy does not deserve their votes. Instead, Bolling is leaving it up to those folks to decide whether they should: A) sit the race out, B) swallow hard and support someone who's going to lead their party off a cliff, or C) vote for a guy who's going to make it harder for Virginia companies to recruit young and progressive people to live and work here.

While an endorsement of our pal Terry would have been nice, it's the lack of a Cuccinelli endorsement that carries the political day. On top of which, we now know that Bolling won't provide independent voters, turned off by the Cootch, with an alternative candidacy — and a safe place to hide. We cats PURR.

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