Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Man Behind The Movie

By Miss Kubelik

We cats will opine more about this later — but here are a few quick thoughts on the Scott Prouty, "47 percent" videographer and Willard Mitt Romney's very own Deep Throat:

How delicious that the campaign of a Mormon teetotaler could be nearly destroyed by a bartender.

Prouty brought his camera because he was apparently hoping that, a la Bill Clinton, Romney would pop into the kitchen and meet the staff after the event. Gosh, just imagine! If Romney had just taken the trouble to do that, the video may never have seen the light of day.

(But as we all know, Clinton could hardly bear to leave campaign events. Romney couldn't wait to run away.)

Come 2016, every Republican Presidential campaign's advance team will have to sweep fundraiser sites for recording devices and bugs. And of course, forbid them at the door — and, given the state of modern technology, we cats aren't sure how they're going to pull that off.

On the bright side, Silly Willy may benefit from the Prouty reveal in one unexpected way: The right-wing haters at CPAC just might give him a standing ovation this weekend. Because disparaging half of America to rich people in private is the one thing they can love him for.

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