Friday, March 8, 2013

The Eyes Don't Have It

By Miss Kubelik

Goodness gracious, but everybody is going googly-eyes over freshman nutcase Senator Rand Paul and his filibuster this week. What a principled libertarian, to call out the executive branch on drones!

But while the far right and the far left are drooling over Mr. Filibuster, we'd like to ask the good Senator-who-doesn't-trust-the-government one question: What, sir, is your position on abortion?

Ah. He's against it. In fact, he's so against it, he supports a "personhood amendment." Which means that Rand Paul wants the government he hates, the government that he thinks is going to drone us all, to intrude in the most personal decision an American woman can make.

So, Rand, here's what we cats say: You're a pick-and-choose Libertarian.

You worry like heck about executive power when a Democratic President is wielding it — but you have no problem with the government controlling women's bodies and lives.

Just wanted to clear that up before we hand the White House to you in 2016. In the meantime, we cats HISS.

1 comment:

The Cranky Copywriter said...

The saddest thing about Rand Paul was revealed the other night by Arianna Huffington. It's almost too sad to reveal because it makes someone we already think is a jerk seem even jerkier. What was it? Something almost impossible to believe: His hair is real!