Thursday, March 14, 2013

CPAC At The Vatican

By Zamboni

He's lean, he's mean, he's Argentine — and according to our more gullible pundits, he's "ready to shake things up." We cats say, piffle.

Yesterday was just another reminder of the extraordinarily political nature of the Catholic Church. Because by choosing a pontiff who's the same age as John McCain, the Cardinals have clearly made a desperate play for time.

Like the Republican Party, the Church knows it has to change. It hasn't a clue how it's going to change. And it doesn't want to change. But its powers-that-be needed some space to be able to figure that out. So they elevated a guy who will probably be dead in a few years. (And they managed to throw a bone to Latin America at the same time.)

It's just so cynical and transparent that we're amazed no one in the slobbering press has bothered to point it out.

(IMAGE: Pope Francis.... Grumpy Cat. Same person? You be the judge! Our phones are open.)


The Cranky Copywriter said...

Point it out. No way. The media, especially broadcasting, are playing right into the church's multi-ringed hand. They are practically proclaiming Francis a saint just for being from Argentina and having washed a few feet in his time.

The Cat's Meow said...

We cats have avoided the TV coverage in favor of the Internet, where we feel less bombarded. However, we note with interest that some in the media are catching up to Frankie's recent and futile fight in Argentina against marriage equality. For which we PURR in the direction of President Fernandez de Kirchner. You go, girl!