Sunday, March 3, 2013

Woe Is Willard: Looking Back Edition

By Miss Kubelik

We cats had forgotten how quickly we'd gotten used to not having Willard Mitt Romney in our face every day. And how nice that was. Until he showed back up again.

Yes, Silly Willy and his ever-irritating spouse sat down for an interview with Chris Wallace, and assured us that Willard would have totally solved that sequester thingy. (Sure he would have: by not slashing the military, but by gutting absolutely every other program that ever benefited a poor family, got somebody through a health crisis, or educated children on public TV.)

And Willard claimed that he didn't mean all that 47 percent stuff he said when he thought he was speaking in private. So, let's get this straight: Is he saying he lies to his big donors? Or that he's lying to the rest of us? He seems to think this is not a problem, by the way.

Anyhoo, we cats have thought of a few questions that Chris should have asked the Couple Who Would Be President. Such as:

"Governor, Beth Myers, your former senior campaign adviser, recently added her name to a legal brief urging the Supreme Court to rule favorably on same-sex marriage. She was joined by Clint Eastwood, Marriott International, and Bain & Company, among others. You have close ties to these signers I've mentioned, and you currently sit on the board at Marriott. Did you have anything to do with their decisions to sign? And since you used to favor gay rights, and have said you won't run for office again, why didn't you sign the brief yourself?"

"Governor, in the 2012 general election, you lost Florida by fewer than 100,000 votes. Do you think voter suppression is responsible for that? For example, had Rick Scott not cut back early voting hours so dramatically, do you think that white working people who supported you would have been more easily able to vote and be counted?"

"Governor, your running mate, Paul Ryan, was unable to deliver the state of Wisconsin to you. You also lost two states you call home, Massachusetts and Michigan. Why did the people who know you best vote against you?"

"Governor, why did you think your pollster was smarter than Nate Silver?"

"Mrs. Romney, what did you do with the inaugural ball gown you picked out?"

"Finally, Governor, you're scheduled to speak at CPAC this month. Do you think the ballroom will be half-empty? Or will Al Cardenas perform a Jedi mind-mind to force people to attend?"

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