Friday, April 4, 2014

And Oh, Yeah, He Paints Houses, Too

By Snifffles

So George W. Bush — the Worst Person Who's Ever Lived — paints.

Big deal. Mind you, we cats would never be charmed by any artsy-crafty portraits that the Worst Person might produce, even if they weren't cartoonish or downright weird. We call him the Worst Person Who's Ever Lived for a reason, you know.

And before Worst Person partisans throw back into our furry faces the inconvenient truth that former President of the United States Jimmy Carter also paints, let us say the following.

Sure, Jimmy Carter paints. He also has written 28 books, eradicated guinea worm disease, helped wipe out river blindness, monitored elections in struggling democracies, won the Nobel Prize, and brought peace to the Middle East. (In fact, there's a play about that last accomplishment being staged in Washington right now. We cats were lucky enough to be at last night's Red Carpet Premiere and not get stomped by the hordes of humans at the reception after the show.)

Sometimes, a post-Presidency can be a true work of art. We know that Carter's is. We're not sure what the Worst Person's is.

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