Thursday, April 24, 2014


By Baxter

Whoops — well, that was fast.

The right wing's newest media darling has just fallen from grace. Cliven Bundy has gone from freedom-loving, big-government-hating rancher to disgusting racist, in the blink of an eye.

Or rather, in the course of a single, on-the-record interview with The New York Times. And now, thoughtless Republican bandwagoneers like Rand Paul, Dean Heller, Ted Cruz and Sean Hannity can't get away from Clive fast enough.

We cats are highly entertained, for a number of reasons.

First, we're happy to say that people who end up unmasking themselves as closet racists, like Cliven Bundy — or secret misogynists, like Todd Akin or Richard Murdouck — turn out, unfailingly, to be the Republican Party's problem, and not ours.

Second, we could have told Paul, Heller, Cruz, Hannity and all those other GOP clowns that aligning yourself with a Bundy is always a bad idea. Because now that we think of it, serial killer Ted Bundy was a Republican, too. We cats PURR.

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