Sunday, April 27, 2014

GOP: Yep, We're Racists

By Zamboni

Starting way back in the Nixon days, we cats thought it was pretty obvious that the Republican Party was hostile to people of color. In fact, let's not pussy-foot around. Let's just come right out and say what so many Republicans and right-leaning pundits are desperately trying to deny.

The Grand Old Party is racist.

It's not just that they recently rushed to embrace the wizard-without-a-hood, Cliven Bundy. (Or cozied up to Ted Nugent, who calls the President of the United States a "subhuman mongrel.") It's what's come out of their own mouths, too.

Like Rand Paul doubting the Constitutionality of the Civil Rights Act. Paul Ryan moaning that "inner-city" Americans don't want to work. Newt Gingrich's obsession with food stamps. Jim DeMint's guy who says  "Hispanic immigrants' IQs" are lower than "white natives'." Don Young reminiscing about hiring "wetbacks."

But most of all, Republicans are racists because of their policies — none more so than their insidious attempts to suppress minority voting throughout the United States.

So that's it, America. As far as we cats and others are concerned, the question is settled. On the bright side, it's nice to know that a Republican who voted for President Obama can win a GOP Congressional primary. We cats PURR.

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