Monday, April 28, 2014

Freepers Endorse Gay Marriage (Thanks, Guys!)

By Sniffles

Admit it: We cats haven't lately shared the whacko postings from our favorite paranoid, right-wing corner of the Internet, Free Republic — and you've missed them, haven't you?

Truth to tell, we've missed them, too. And we just HAD to visit them to see how they were reacting to the United Church of Christ's ingenious lawsuit in North Carolina. So we did.

First, here's the scoop: The UCC has sued the Tarheel State, claiming that its ban on same-sex marriage violates their religious freedom — because they want to marry gay people to one another. Brilliant! Bravo, United Church of Christ! (Where can we make a donation?)

But if that weren't delicious enough, the homophobes over at FR, fulminating over the suit, have just managed to prove our point: Civil marriage and religious rituals have nothing to do with one another. Hence, the "religious freedom" argument that the anti-marriage-equality folks have always invoked is bunk.

In case you doubt us, check out some of the Freepers' comments on the North Carolina case:

"BS — they can perform marriages all they want."

"Nothing is stopping them from marrying whoever they deem suitable for marriage."

"'Marriage performed by clergy is a spiritual exercise and expression of faith essential to the values and continuity of the religion that government may regulate only where it has a compelling interest.' Exactly."

"State and federal laws against homosexual marriage don't affect religious practice whatsoever — nor should they."

WOW, the Freepers have seen the light! They've admitted that changes in the states' civil marriage laws would have no bearing on religious congregations' exercise of same. And although we doubt that they realize it, we're happy to welcome them to our side. We cats PURR.

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