Sunday, May 3, 2015


By Sniffles

We cats won't go into details, but we do work that occasionally requires us to deal with doctors. And some of those doctors are wonderful. Others are pains in the ass. In fact, a lot of them are pains in the ass.

So it doesn't surprise us that Ben Carson — who is set to announce a campaign for the White House tomorrow — is living proof that you can be a pediatric neurosurgeon and still be an idiot.

Now, don't get us wrong. We're thrilled that Carson is throwing his surgical cap in the ring. The more crazies who join the campaign for the 2016 Republican nomination, the merrier. Let's split the GOP every which way we can, and — in contrast to the reasoned leaders on the Democratic side — let's show America just how nutty they all can be. Hurray for that!

Nevertheless, we must take this opportunity to point out that Ben Carson is a fool. You can be talented at separating conjoined twins, and not know a thing about politics, governance or public policy. Or history, for that matter.

Because who else but a fool would have said that Obamacare was "the worst thing to have happened to the nation since slavery"?

Does Carson know anything about either subject? Does he understand that thanks to the Affordable Care Act, millions of Americans have health coverage now? And that slavery put more than half a million Africans into bondage in the United States? Let us try to explain what "bondage" means: No freedom of movement, no freedom of choice, families split apart, rape, abuse, murder, etc. None of that self-determination, that up-from-the-bootstraps moxie that Dr. Carson cherishes so much.

The Republicans are fond of saying that non-politicians make good presidents. Since "businessmen" like Steve Forbes, Donald Trump, Herman Cain, Mitt Romney and — most spectacularly — the Worst Person Who's Ever Lived have proved utterly inadequate at political leadership, we hope that the GOP will spare us the notion that a pediatric neurosurgeon would prosper in the Oval Office as well. Because anybody who toes the extreme Republican party line is nobody we'd want operating on us — in the OR or in the public square. We cats HISS and dump our dirty litter boxes on Ben Carson's head.

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