Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Harry Versus The Haters

By Miss Kubelik

We cats are sure going to miss Harry Reid. Not just because he's adopted the cool look of the Men In Black, but because he's just ripped into one of our least-favorite organizations on earth, the National Football League.

We've never liked football much (who can see what's going on, anyway?), but in the last several years the league has gotten so bad we can barely stand it. It's chock-full of animal and spouse abusers, murderers, dick-pic idiots and greedy Republicans. And of course, cheaters.

So Harry came out swinging on the Senate floor today. But not just over the New England "Patriots" and their deflated balls — deliciously, Harry took aim once again at the local team's racist name:

“I find it stunning that the National Football League is more concerned about how much air is in a football than with a racist franchise name that denigrates Native Americans across the country. So I wish the commissioner would act as swiftly and decisively in changing the name of the Washington, DC team, as he did enforcing how much air is in the football.”

Ooooh, Harry, we cats love you. We suggest that you stay off all exercise equipment and relax in a nice comfy chair, so we can jump in your lap and PURR.

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