Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Even More Strange Language

By Zamboni

We cats will opine anon on the new "birther" chatter that's rattling the much-beleaguered Republican Party. But first we wanted to explore a little further one of the most striking ways the GOP is out of touch with America: the way its members talk.

For example, remember how the late, not-great John Boehner used to refer to "the dustbin of history"? He accused President Obama of wanting to "shove" the GOP into it. But "dustbin" is a British expression. We cats bet that back home in Ohio, Boehner doesn't roll the garbage out for the "dustman" to collect in the morning. Did anyone in Media Land not point out how odd that was?

And we've always wondered about the right wing's endless parroting of the term "jackbooted thugs" to refer to agents and officials of the United States government. This is a word that you almost never run across otherwise. Do any of them really know what a jackboot is? Could they draw a picture of one? Could a lot of old-timey American revolutionary soldiers possibly have worn them?

Finally, Jeb! Bush, Mr. Malaprop himself, took the cake the other day when he limply fired his latest (unsuccessful) salvo at nemesis Donald Trump. "He wakes up in his pajamas and watches the TV shows on Saturday and Sunday," Bush whinily complained.

Of course, we know what the moronic-mouthed Jeb! was trying to say: that Trump just lazes around watching the boob tube while the rest of the "serious" GOP candidates are out there hustling. But unless you sleep in the nude (not a visual we want to associate with Trump), who doesn't "wake up" in pajamas? We cats, being expert on jammies, HISS.

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