Saturday, January 16, 2016

Lest We Furr-get: When Adults Conduct American Foreign Policy

By Sniffles

Was the Republicans' nearly solid opposition to the newly minted Obama Administration's efforts to recover from the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression enough evidence of their lack of patriotism? How about their inability to stand and applaud the successes that President Obama outlined in his final State of the Union address? Well, if not, the GOP clown car passengers are once again proving, with today's Iranian developments, how much they hate America.

Let us cats be clear: There is no down side to Americans coming home from difficult situations. We all know that — even if we're talking about somebody like Bowe Bergdahl. Bring 'em home, then deal with whatever stuff we must. The point is that no foreign state is holding them and, by extension, us.

So, on the assumption that American politics stop at the border — at least, they used to — we cats are appalled at the Republicans' reaction that four Americans held in Iran have been freed.

This would have been grand news even if it weren't couched in the bigger story of Iran's compliance with the nuclear disarmament agreement. But, so consumed with hatred for Barack Hussein Obama, they can only carp and moan, belch and bleat, and criticize.

Gosh! How would the sainted Ronnie Reagan have reacted if, on January 21, 1981, outgoing President Jimmy Carter had said, "You know what? This deal to bring back the American hostages in Iran stinks. My administration worked its ass off to get these people home, and it ruined my Presidency, and I think it sucks"? Goodness gracious, the Republican outrage would have known no bounds.

And ya know what? Carter would have had every right to say something like that — but he's a grownup, and he didn't. And we're all glad that the hostages came home. In fact, President Carter went to Germany and met with them.

We cats think that nobody in the current Republican field would have the balls to do something like that, which means that they are lesser men than Jimmy Carter. So we HISS, and we PURR.

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