Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Mommy Wars

By Miss Kubelik

We cats know that our right-wing friends over at Free Republic are not the most logical of folk, but it always amused us that they gave Rafael Cruz, Jr. a pass on his US citizenship but screamed constantly that Barack Obama was ineligible to be President.

Because although Cruz was born in Canada, they consider him legit because his mommy was American. Problem is, so was Obama's mother, Ann Dunham. So what's good for Cruz should be good for Obama — that is, if Obama had been born in Kenya, which of course he was not.

In other words, if the Freepers were thinking straight, they'd realize that this "NBC" question is far more weighty for Rafael Jr. than it ever was for a President from Hawaii. But alas, alack, that's not one of their strengths. So now that Donald Trump is raising questions about Cruz the Canadian, they are, shall we say, confused.

They love Trump. They love Cruz. What to do now? Go around in argumentative circles, mostly. This pleases us cats, because we love nothing more than when Republicans fight with one another.

But almost none of them seem to get the whole Cruz-Obama thing. Why would Mrs. Cruz's American citizenship count and Mrs. Obama's not? We cats scrolled through Freeper threads, grinning all the way at their silliness, until we found the one exchange that perfectly captures their twisted thinking:

First Freeper (making sense): "If Obama could run and be eligible with an American mother and Kenya [sic] father, how could Cruz not be eligible to run?"

Second Freeper (personifying everything): "Because he’s a 1) Democrat. 2) Black. 3) Commie. 4) He was allegedly born in Hawaii, which helped reduce pressure on the question."

What else can we cats say? Our work here is done. Except of course, we HISS (when we're not laughing in derision).

(PHOTOS: Top: Eleanor Cruz, US citizen. Bottom: Ann Dunham Obama, US citizen.)

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