Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The States' State (And One State's State)

By Sniffles

We cats love it when experts rank quality of life in the various American states, because it invariably throws into stark relief how awful Republican policies are.

The latest case in point is POLITICO's list of state "strength," one that New Hampshire bestrides like a colossus and in which Louisiana, recently so horribly raped by failed Republican Presidential candidate Piyush Jindal, brings up the sorry-ass rear.

We cats can't help noticing that of the top 10 states on POLITICO's list, Democrats head the majority of them — which is pretty impressive if you take into account that we only hold 18 Governorships. Of the bottom 10 states, Republicans preside over no fewer than eight of them. Do we detect a pattern here?

But never fear: Louisiana has a Democratic Governor now, and he has just — be still our hearts — expanded Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act!

We sure hope President Obama gives a shout-out to John Bel Edwards in his State of the Union address tonight. Because Edwards's move is the latest proof that when it comes to the well-being of the ordinary American, Democrats are the ones who care. We cats PURR.

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