Friday, July 7, 2017

Out Of Range

By Miss Kubelik

We cats were running a harmless errand the other day when we saw a man get into a parked car in our neighborhood. He was carrying — and stowing in the car — a rifle.

Alas, he was not Daniel Day-Lewis. But suffice to say we hurried home and away from him as soon as we could.

Upon reaching safety, as dutiful citizens we researched gun laws in New York. It appears that rifles like the one the man we saw bearing do not require special permits in the Empire State. We cats suspect that New York City is enough of a handful that Albany doesn't try to stir the hornet's nest of firearms owners up here in the near-Adirondacks.

Still and all, we couldn't help thinking that the rifle-bearing man we saw, being white, was someone who had no fear of the police. Because Philando Castile was a licensed gun owner, wasn't he? And yet the NRA remains silent on his murder. We cats HISS.

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