Sunday, July 16, 2017

Terrific Tweets

By Sniffles

Make no mistake, we cats avoid flying these days whenever we can. The experience is generally so negative, so Greyhound-bus-in-the-sky, that we're sure that we're better off driving. And the recent spate of airline abuses of passengers has just reconfirmed our view.

But now, we're rooting for the airline. Specifically, Delta Airlines, which has been on the receiving end of a barrage of tweets from a disgruntled customer, hideous right-wing scumbucket Ann Coulter.

Coulter was upset at a seat reassignment, so she tweeted photos of her fellow passengers (who didn't give permission, mind you) and ranted about her relocation in the unhinged manner which we've come to expect from her. Delta Airlines, meanwhile, responded on Twitter thusly:

"We're sorry you did not receive the preferred seat you paid for and will refund your $30."

"Additionally, your insults about our other customers and employees are unacceptable and unnecessary."

YAY, Delta! Who in your corporate communications department decided it would be okay if you guys said that? We'd like to shake their hands and give them a Daniel Webster cigar. We cats PURR.

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