Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Burning Bright

By Zamboni

We cats are looking forward to seeing the Gallup tracking poll tomorrow. It should have the first Presidential-performance results since Donald Drumpf ripped off his KKK hood at Trump Tower yesterday (with two Jewish guys and a woman of color standing on either side of him, we might add).

Meanwhile, the Republican Party is in crisis. Their cynical Southern Strategy has been outed for good — ruined by a guy from Queens who has just destroyed their ability to wink-wink at haters, extremists and losers in the name of economics and not get thrown up on by the whole world. And Confederate statues are coming down all over the place, too! Gosh, they must be furious.

Oh, how our liberal hearts bleed for these jerks. To every Republican talking head on TV, wringing hands and excoriating Trump, we say this: It's your party, not ours. You allowed him. You nominated him. Sure, the media coverage of Hillary was horrible and the voters are at fault, too. But Trump wouldn't have been on the November ballot if you guys hadn't anointed him in the first place.

Republicans thought they would be able to ride the tiger and not end up inside. A word of warning for them: We know tigers. Tigers are relatives of ours. And tigers always get their meals. We cats PURR.

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