Wednesday, June 3, 2020

A Shift In The Club

By Zamboni

Benedict Donald is getting so deliciously snubbed, dissed and slapped around by world leaders like Angela Merkel (who threw Trump's G7 invitation back in his face) and Justin Trudeau (who was silent for a full 22 seconds before he could bring himself to comment on Trump's use of tear gas on peaceful protesters) that POTUS really doesn't need any more trouble. But he's getting it at home.

Even some of his own party are being, well, kinda critical. It's pathetic, but it's interesting.

Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska, for example, begged to differ with Donald on the Lafayette Park debacle, saying, "I'm against clearing out a peaceful protest for a photo op that treats the word of God as a political prop." Obviously Ben's decided the GOP is toast come November, and he's positioning himself for 2024. How many more will follow him? (Tom Cotton, on the other hand, is going full-bore after Trump-base support with a "Send in the military" op-ed in The New York Times. All we can think of is "Send in the clowns.")

But the dudes who have really gotten our attention are members of the most exclusive club in the world: Former US Presidents.

Last week, Bill Clinton said, "No one deserves to die the way George Floyd did. And the truth is, if you’re white in America, the chances are you won’t." Then, yesterday, George W. Bush — who used to be The Worst Person Who's Ever Lived until Trump came along — issued an uncharacteristically eloquent statement supporting the protesters. This afternoon, Jimmy Carter called upon "people of power, privilege and moral conscience [to] stand up and say 'no more' to a racially discriminatory police and justice system...and government actions that undermine our unified democracy." (He means you, Bill Barr.) And Barack Obama held a town hall today to discuss how Americans can turn outrage into action.

As the only Republican, Bush got a lot of attention (even though he didn't mention Trump by name). And of course, Obama went a step further, with an event that was more of a conversation by a leader with his wounded nation. This, of course, will needle Trump to no end.

It seems that the old adage of "America only has one President at a time" has been thrown to the wayside — like so much else in this horrid Administration. But this one is probably for the best. There's an intriguing shift going on in the Presidents Club, and we cats would give a caseload of tuna to hear the conversations happening behind the scenes. In the meantime, we PURR.

(IMAGE: The four living ex-Presidents. And oops, one dead one.)

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