Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Tidbits And Cat Treats: Offensive Republicans Edition

By Zamboni

Does Benedict Donald wake up after his customary three or four hours of Adderall-disturbed sleep and say to himself, "How many more voters can I offend today"?

You have to wonder. The latest is his deranged "false flag" tweet about the 75-year-old man shoved to the pavement by police in Buffalo. (The man, who had bright red blood pooling under his head after he fell, is still in the hospital.) As Hawaii Senator Brian Schatz has dryly observed, "Republicans are going to be extremely unavailable for comment today."

If you can stand it, here's some other news from GOP Crazy World.

Now that thousands of Americans are marching in support of Black Lives Matter, Trump's decided that he'll hold his rallies again, COVID-19 be darned. With this morning's tweet reawakening speculation about the 25th amendment, let's see how more deranged he acts when he cranks his "shows" back up. His crowd — minus any mild supporters who will be rightly scared by the coronavirus — will be maskless and out for blood, so Trump will be feeding off that. Threats of martial law, perhaps?

In case you missed it, Iowa Congressman Steve King lost his primary last week. Kinda disappointing, since we were looking forward to beating his butt in the general election come November. On the other hand, the successful GOP candidate, Randy Feenstra, couldn't even get to 50 percent against a solidly, irredeemably racist and anti-Semitic pro-King base. What an indictment of the institutional Iowa GOP. Our hill just got a little steeper, but we Democrats have a good candidate who could be carried to an upset win in a wave election.

Speaking of the election, though, a word of warning: Have you heard what's happening in Georgia today? It's primary day, and multiple precincts have malfunctioning machines, no paper ballots, hours-long waits, etc. Brian Kemp and the state Republican party are waging war on democracy — or, just doing a dry run for November. They know that Biden/Whoever can carry Georgia in the general, and that their Senate seats are in danger, too. Despicable. Can someone from the Georgia legislature or the state Democratic Party call in The Carter Center for election observation? They're right there in Atlanta. We cats HISS.

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