Thursday, June 18, 2020

Weekus Horribilis

By Sniffles

"Is the tide turning on Trump?" pundits ask. Benedict Donald has certainly had a terrible week, what with the Supreme Court, John Bolton and even Facebook piling on. And the nationwide coronavirus curve has started going back up. Not here in New York — we're doing well enough that Governor Cuomo's last daily briefing will be held tomorrow, and we cats can go to the groomer soon. Progress!

Then there are the polls. Six battleground-state surveys show Joe Biden in the lead. Trump's approve-disapprove rating is minus-19 in Reuters and minus-17 in POLITICO/Morning Consult. Even Republican-friendly Rasmussen has him down by seven. (Rasmussen!) And on the question of whether the country is on the right track or wrong track? Multiple polls show "wrong" beating "right" by more than 40 points.

And the Black Lives Matter demonstrations continue. There is trouble in Trump World.

The Trump campaign is trying to distract everyone by hinting at an extra general-election debate, for a total of four, held earlier to account for absentee voting. Don't fall for it, because it's nonsense. Benedict Donald will not debate. Brad "Weird Beard" Parscale and Team Ivanka will not allow it, because Trump's incapable of coherent thought. (Tweeps are even wondering if he'll make it to November.)

We won't make any predictions about anything that's five months out. But after the week Trump has had, surely his remarks at his "show" in Tulsa on Saturday night will be even more incendiary and off the wall than usual. Brace for impact. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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