Thursday, June 4, 2020

Life Is Complicated When You Lack A Backbone

By Hubie and Bertie

Lisa Murkowski is "struggling." She believes that former SecDef James Mattis spoke the truth about Benedict Donald in The Atlantic, but she's just not sure if she won't still support Trump in November.

Puh-leeese. Here we thought that with things being so terrible, Murkowski might harbor a little bit of Mary-Tyler-Moore-style spunk — after all, she's not up for re-election this year. But she's wringing her hands like Susan Collins instead. Even so, few of her Senate colleagues are rushing to join her in defending Mattis (except for GOP Chair Ronna Romney's uncle Willard). Conclusion: Don't expect cowed and craven Republicans to grow spines any time soon.

Will "soon" ever come? It's a good question. These Republican weenies always have one eye on the polls and another on the calendar. Right now, there are two dates that are probably looming large in their minds: their respective primary deadlines, and the Republican convention in late August.

Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse, for example, did not proffer his meekly negative criticism of Trump until after he was past his primary. Others no doubt will follow suit. And none of them want to have the rabid MAGAts booing their names at the non-socially-distant 2020 haters' convention (wherever it's held), and planning social media and in-person protests in their home states this fall.

But here's their dilemma: If GOP Senators wait until after Labor Day to distance themselves from Trump, that'll be too late to deceive voters. And how will the RNC react? By cutting off their campaign funds?

That's what they're struggling about. Money, not morals. We cats HISS.

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